Thursday, May 9, 2013

Colorado Ranked 2nd by League of American Bicyclists

Last week the League of American Bicyclists published their list of the most Bicycle Friendly States. For the sixth year in a row the state of Washington leads all 50 states. The second most friendly state on that list was Colorado.

The rankings are based on five broad parameters: Legislation and enforcement, Policies and programs, Infrastructure and funding, Education and encouragement, and Evaluation and planning.

According to the national bicycling advocacy group, Colorado ranked 2nd for several reasons, including:

• Colorado is a model for bicycling traffic laws. Ensure that laws in communities across the state provide safety and accessibility for bicyclists.

• The state has added bicycle safety as an emphasis area in the state Strategic Highway Safety Plan and aggressively fund bike safety projects

Colorado Governor, John Hickenlooper, told the League of American Bicyclists that, “An important part of making Colorado the healthiest state is encouraging people to be more active in their everyday routines. We’re proud that our bicycle-friendly policies have skyrocketed Colorado’s rank up 20 places in just five years, and we are committed to being No. 1 in the near future.”

Here's the full list of states and how they ranked according to the 2013 study:


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