Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spring breakup begins on Lake Granby

Spring breakup is underway on Lake Granby, located within the Arapaho National Recreation Area. As temperatures warm, typically in April, ice on the lake begins to rot and weaken, and holes develop, making conditions increasingly unsafe.

The U.S. Forest Service does not mark specific hazards as they emerge on the lake in the spring and recommends that anyone going ice fishing or otherwise recreating on the lake carefully evaluate the quality and strength of the ice prior to walking on it.

The level of Lake Granby has been drawn down in recent weeks to accommodate spring runoff, leaving most of the area’s boat ramps well above the ice line. To prevent resource damage, most boat ramps on Lake Granby are currently closed, however Sunset Boat Ramp remains open and available for use.

Shadow Mountain Reservoir has almost completely melted off and Green Mountain Boat Ramp also is open and some boating has already begun.

For up-to-date information about the status of lakes located within the Arapaho National Recreation Area, please contact Visitor Information Services at 970-887-4100.


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