Friday, March 15, 2013

The Via Ferrata in Telluride

Did you know there was a Via Ferrata in Telluride? No - me neither, until I ran into this video the other day.

First off, what exactly is a Via Ferrata? According to Wikipedia:
A via ferrata (Italian for "iron road") is a protected climbing route found in the Alps and certain other locations. The essence of a modern via ferrata is a steel cable which runs along the route and is periodically (every 10 to 33 feet) fixed to the rock. Using a via ferrata kit the climber can secure themselves to the cable, limiting any fall. The cable can also be used as aid to climbing, and additional climbing aids, such as iron rungs, pegs, carved steps and even ladders and bridges are often provided. Thus via ferrata allow otherwise dangerous routes to be undertaken without the risks associated with unprotected scrambling and climbing or need for climbing equipment.
Wikipedia goes on to state that "the origins of via ferrata date back to the nineteenth century, but via ferratas are strongly associated with the First World War, when several were built in the Dolomite mountain region of Italy to aid the movement of troops."

The Via Ferrata in Telluride was built in 2006 by Chuck Kroger, a local explorer and climber. Now known as The Krogerata, this thrilling technical hike, along the east end of the Telluride Canyon, offers spectacular views of Bridal Veil Falls and the Telluride Valley. You may want to note that the locals have been trying to keep this a secret. Good luck on that!

This video will give a much better perspective on the heights you'll achieve on this "hike":

Telluride Newb | Season 1 | EP 26 from Open Exposure on Vimeo.

For more information on the Telluride Via Ferrata, please click here.


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