Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Rocky Mountain National Park Spring Newspaper Now Online

This week Rocky Mountain National Park published the spring edition of their park newspaper. In addition to some key information concerning the Bear Lake Road reconstruction project this summer, the newspaper highlights all of the free ranger-led programs happening this spring.

For hikers, there will be 1.5-hour spring bird walks starting from the Alluvial Fan several days a week throughout the spring. On the west side of the park, in late May and early June, rangers will lead participants on the Coyote Valley River Walk, as well as pleasant strolls to Adams Falls, which includes a spectacular view just beyond the falls.

On June 14th the park will be hosting a program called Astronomy in the Park, which will be held in the Upper Beaver Meadows Trailhead parking area. During this program you'll have a chance to observe the night sky with the help of a park ranger and expert volunteer astronomers.

On June 8th RMNP will celebrate International Migratory Bird Day with a ranger-led birding excursion that will visit multiple locations.

The newspaper also offers suggestions on some early season hiking trails, such as Granite Falls and Cascade Falls on the west side of the park, or Alberta Falls and Cub Lake on the east side.

To download the entire newspaper (1.8M PDF), please click here.


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