Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hazard tree work to cause delays on Arapaho Bay Road

If conditions allow, the U.S. Forest Service is planning to begin hazard tree work on Arapaho Bay Road (County Road 6) in the Arapaho National Recreation Area on Friday, March 8th.

To improve safety along the road, the Sulphur Ranger District has contracted a logging company to cut dead and dying trees within falling distance of the travel corridor. While hazard tree cutting is in progress, expect 30-minute delays in both directions for traffic passing through the work zone. Parking along the road will not be allowed between flaggers, and there is no overnight parking allowed at trailheads during this time. Recreationists are also being asked to avoid the active work area, especially along the lakeshore.

The contractor will be using a combination of hand-sawyers and specialized mechanical equipment to reduce potential resource damage. Merchantable timber will be decked along the road and then loaded onto trucks and hauled away for use by the wood products industry. Smaller materials will be lopped and scattered or piled to burn.

Work is expected to begin east of the dam and will eventually be completed all the way to Monarch Lake and up to the Roaring Fork Trailhead. Some work will be completed in the fall. When tree felling is occurring along the final stretch from Big Rock Campground to Monarch Lake, all access to the trailhead will be temporarily prohibited for public safety.


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