Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Winter Survival Skills at Englewood REI

Next month, on March 4th, the REI in Englewood will be offering a free presentation on Winter Survival Skills, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

Whether you're an experienced winter camping guru, backcountry snowboarder or skier, casual snowshoer, or a beginner, this winter survival clinic could save your life. During the clinic you will participate in an interactive survival scenario, learn about winter survival priorities, tips, strategies, and techniques, learn how to make basic snow shelters, and learn to make a personal survival kit. The clinic will be presented by the Cottonwood Institute, an educational nonprofit that inspires students to change the world through an exciting blend of adventure, wilderness survival, and environmental service. Voluntary donations will be used to help underwrite their educational programs at public schools in the Boulder/Denver area.

For more information on the clinic, and to register, please click here.


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