Friday, February 15, 2013

New National Water Trails System Website Rolled Out

Outdoor recreationalists can now experience the new National Water Trails System through a brand new interactive website that connects users to rivers and waterways through stories and tools.

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced the new National Water Trails System in February 2012, with the objective of creating a national network of exemplary water trails that are cooperatively supported and sustained. Nine National Water Trails have been designated across the United States.

The Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance program and the Denver Service Center are continuing work on "Call to Action" item 12, "Follow the Flow," by partnering to develop the new website, which will improve communication with current and potential water trail managers and with recreational trail users.

Water trail managers can apply for designation through an easy online application, and visitors can learn more about designated trails through a photo gallery, dynamic stories, and videos. An interactive map and new search functions make it easy for users to find national water trails throughout the country.

You can visit the new website at


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