Saturday, December 29, 2012

Brainard Lake Gateway Trailhead ribbon-cutting celebration

The U.S. Forest Service is hosting a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the new Brainard Lake Gateway Trailhead on Saturday, January 12, 2013 at 10 a.m.

Many aspects of the Brainard Gateway Trailhead have improved for visitors who frequent the area for hiking, biking, skiing, snowshoeing, and sight-seeing. Recent updates include a winter recreation parking area, bathroom facilities, warming hut and newly re-routed trails.

The winter recreation parking area can be found by driving to the large parking area on the right-hand side of the Brainard Lake Road when heading westbound. For a map to the area from Colo. Highway 36 visit

Attendees are reminded to come prepared for the day and bring adequate food, water and winter clothing to stay warm during the ceremony and make sure their vehicle is winter ready. Visitors are encouraged to stay and check out the area after the ribbon-cutting.

The Brainard Lake Recreation Area is the most popular destination on the Boulder Ranger District of the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests. Hiking trails to the west of the BLRA enter into the Indian Peaks Wilderness.


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