Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bear Lake Road Is Now Open

According to the latest update on the Fern Lake Fire, Bear Lake Road has reopened. However, closures still remain within RMNP:
Because the wildfire is still active and burning north of the Steep Mountain and Mount Wuh areas and in Forest Canyon there are numerous trail and area closures. A closure area is in effect, including Moraine Park, the Cub Lake Trail, Fern Lake Trail, the Fern Lake Road beyond the winter parking, the Hollowell Park/Mill Creek Basin area, and the Fern Lake Trail beyond Lake Helene. Please obey all closure notices. Violators will be cited and fined.
Here are the latest fire facts:

Date started: October 9, 2012
Location: Rocky Mountain National Park
Size: 3,498 acres
Percent Contained: 88
Cause: Believed to have been associated with an illegal campfire in lower Forest Canyon. The investigation remains open.
Structures lost: 1
Injuries to Date: None
Cost to Date: $6.3 million
Number of Personnel: 15

To read the entire update, please click here.


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