Friday, December 21, 2012

All trail and area closures related to the Fern Lake Fire in RMNP have been lifted

The Fern Lake Fire is not completely out, but with 12 plus inches of snow it has reduced the fire spread and potential to spread to very low. There will be small isolated areas of smoldering and it may produce visible smoke in the coming days. Keep in mind the fire is also in the Forest Canyon area, where it initially started. A fire has not burned in that area for over 800 years so the fuels in that area are very dense and deep.

All trail and area closures related to the Fern Lake Fire in Rocky Mountain National Park have been lifted. However, because a wildfire burned through parts of Forest Canyon, Spruce Canyon, trails in the Fern Lake - Cub Lake area as well as Moraine Park, there are potential hazards to be alert for:

* Falling trees & limbs - especially during periods of wind

* Unstable slopes & rolling material such as logs and rocks

* Burned out stump holes

* Areas that may still be smoldering or burning

* Bridges or other trail structures that may be damaged

* Off-trail travel is not recommended in burned areas


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