Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A rerouting of Continental Divide Trail in southern Colorado could ban bikes

The Rio Grande and Gunnison National Forests continue to seek comments on an environmental assessment analyzing a proposal to relocate a segment of the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail, from its current alignment on existing roads and trails, to a newly constructed trail. The proposed 32-mile relocation would occur north and west of Saguache between Lujan Pass and the La Garita Wilderness boundary.

This "preferred alternative", however, is raising eyebrows within the cycling community. The preferred plan proposal would not allow bicycles on the new trail. Instead, mountain bikers would be re-routed onto existing roads.

The deadline, if you wish to make a comment, has been extended to December 17th. Comments may be submitted by mail, email, fax, or delivered by hand to the Forest Service offices in Gunnison or Saguache. Office hours for hand delivery are Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am to 4:30 p.m. You can mail comments to:

2250 Hwy 50
Delta, CO 81416

Fax to: 970-874-6698

Email to:

The EA may be reviewed by clicking here.


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