Friday, September 26, 2014

USFS Backs-Off Threat of Photo Fees

As a follow-up to a posting from earlier today, I just found out that the U.S. Forest Service is backing away from a threat to impose fees on photographers who take photos on national forest lands. In a press release issued late last night, U.S. Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell stated: “The US Forest Service remains committed to the First Amendment. To be clear, provisions in the draft directive do not apply to news gathering or activities.

He also goes on to state: "The fact is, the directive pertains to commercial photography and filming only – if you’re there to gather news or take recreational photographs, no permit would be required. We take your First Amendment rights very seriously. We’re looking forward to talking with journalists and concerned citizens to help allay some of the concerns we’ve been hearing and clarify what’s covered by this proposed directive.”

The statements are the result of an apparent firestorm from a recently proposed, but vaguely-worded rule, that some have interpreted to mean that the USFS would be imposing fees on professional media, as well as amateur photographers, for taking photos on national forest lands. This had some First Amendment advocates alarmed.

The USFS press release further clarifies the intent of the rule with this statement:
The proposal does not change the rules for visitors or recreational photographers. Generally, professional and amateur photographers will not need a permit unless they use models, actors or props; work in areas where the public is generally not allowed; or cause additional administrative costs.
However, neither Tidwell or the press release makes clear how, or if bloggers would be impacted in anyway. Although I do think bloggers would ultimately be part of the exemption, it's not entirely certain to me.

To read the full press release, please click here.


U.S. Forest Service Wants $1500 to Take a Photo

Imagine walking into the Roosevelt National Forest and snapping a few photos of your favorite mountain, wildflower or moose. Then suppose, since your photos turned out to be pretty awesome, that you decide to post them on your blog. Or, perhaps you're an amateur photographer and you thought that maybe you could make a few bucks by selling a print of one of those photos at a local art fair. Now, imagine getting slapped with a $1000 fine from the U.S. Forest Service for failing to obtain a permit to take that photo! Getting that permit isn't exactly walk in the park, either. The U.S. Forest Service wants a $1500 fee to purchase that permit in the first place!

If the USFS gets its way, those scenarios could become fact.

Back in early September the agency in charge with overseeing our national forests proposed a new rule that has First Amendment advocates alarmed. In addition to the impact this would have on bloggers and amateur photographers, many are concerned that the vaguely-worded rule could apply to professional media as well. Gregg Leslie, legal defense director at the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, recently told Oregon Live that, “It’s pretty clearly unconstitutional. They would have to show an important need to justify these limits, and they just can’t.”

U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden from Oregon weighed in with this statement: "The Forest Service needs to rethink any policy that subjects noncommercial photographs and recordings to a burdensome permitting process for something as simple as taking a picture with a cell phone. Especially where reporters and bloggers are concerned, this policy raises troubling questions about inappropriate government limits on activity clearly protected by the First Amendment."

Here's a summery of the rule as published on the Federal Register:
The Forest Service proposes to incorporate interim directive (ID) 2709.11-2013.1 into Forest Service Handbook (FSH) 2709.11, chapter 40 to make permanent guidance for the evaluation of proposals for still photography and commercial filming on National Forest System Lands. The proposed amendment would address the establishment of consistent national criteria to evaluate requests for special use permits on National Forest System (NFS) lands. Specifically, this policy provides the criteria used to evaluate request for special use permits related to still photography and commercial filming in congressionally designated wilderness areas. Public comment is invited and will be considered in the development of the final directive.
So what if this rule (and thinking) makes its way over to the National Park Service? More importantly, who owns our "public lands" anyway?

For more information, or more importantly, to voice your opinion, please visit the Federal Register website. The USFS will be accepting comments through November 3, 2014.U.S. Forest Service Wants $1500 to Take a Photo


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Accessible Trail to be Dedicated in Colorado National Monument

Join park staff at Colorado National Monument at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, October 1st to celebrate and dedicate the completion of the Alcove Nature Trail accessibility project!

Following standards established by the U.S. Access Board for Trails, the monument's trail crew constructed a 1/4-mile hard-packed, natural-surface trail composed of crushed granite. Tan in color, the crushed granite blends in with the natural surroundings, yet provides a stable surface to accommodate wheeled assistance devices such as wheelchairs and walkers. The trail tread is five feet wide bordered by hand-shaped sandstone blocks. Causeways constructed over drainages further ease use.

The Alcove Nature Trail starts from the south end of the visitor center parking area where two accessible parking spaces have been added adjacent to the trailhead. It leads from there through pinyon-juniper woodland to an overlook of Wedding Canyon.

Following a few brief remarks and ribbon-cutting at the trailhead, the trail will be open for use (due to concerns for public safety, the trail had been closed during construction). "As the National Park Service approaches its centennial in 2016, we are enthused to offer another type of trail experience for our visitors," shared Superintendent Lisa Eckert.

Recreational fee dollars (your entrance fees) were used to accomplish these trail improvements. In addition to providing a means for people who use wheeled assistance to leave paved areas for an enhanced park experience, project improvements secondarily increase trail stability and upgrade resource protection in the area.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Outdoor Industry Association Applauds Introduction of the U.S. OUTDOOR Act of 2014

The Outdoor Industry Association® (OIA) applauds the introduction of the U.S. OUTDOOR Act in the U.S. House of Representatives by Representatives Dave Reichert (R-WA) and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR); and in the U.S. Senate by Senators Maria Cantwell (D-WA) and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH). Developed in close consultation with the outdoor industry, the U.S. textile industry, and congressional representatives, this bipartisan piece of legislation will lower costs for outdoor industry businesses, prevent rising retail prices for consumers, and spur innovation by U.S. companies.

“I commend Representatives Reichert and Blumenauer and Senators Cantwell and Ayotte for coming together in a bipartisan effort to support the outdoor recreation industry, a vital part of the economy at the state and national level,” said OIA President and CEO Frank Hugelmeyer. “The U.S. OUTDOOR Act will lower costs for outdoor businesses, fuel innovation, attract more consumers to get outdoors using high-quality, affordable apparel and will create more jobs in the United States. We look forward to the enactment of this important legislation.”


* creates unique classifications specific to recreation performance outerwear high-tech apparel, designed especially for outdoor recreation such as hiking, biking, skiing or snowboarding, hunting, fishing, paddling and other recreational activities - in the U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule; and

* eliminates onerous duties on these new classifications.

The Senate bill also includes the Sustainable Textile and Apparel Research Fund (STAR Fund) that will promote U.S. jobs and technologies through investments in American research programs and services towards sustainable, eco-friendly apparel supply chains.

The commercial manufacturing industry for recreational performance outerwear moved offshore decades ago, primarily following the technological advancements and commercial manufacturing capacity that are required by U.S.-based outdoor companies. According to the International Trade Commission there is no commercially viable manufacturing of recreational performance outwear in the U.S. In fact, the bill has been thoroughly vetted with the domestic textile and apparel industry to ensure that none of the products covered by the bill are produced in the U.S.

The high tariffs that remain (some as high as 30%) make it harder for millions of Americans to enjoy outdoor recreation in our parks and public lands and, at the same time, stifle innovation, economic growth and the creation of new jobs. If enacted, the bill will add to the $646 billion in consumer spending and the 6.1 million jobs generated by the outdoor industry.

OIA is encouraging consumers and its outdoor companies to contact their members of Congress to request support for the legislation.

Original co-sponsors of the legislation include Representatives Greg Walden (R-OR), Mike Thompson (D-CA), Erik Paulsen (R-MN), and Jared Polis (D-CO) in the House, and Senators Roy Blunt (R-MO), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Rob Portman (R-OH), and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) in the Senate.


Friday, September 19, 2014

Mount Evans Highway to Close for Season Due to Road Construction

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) will close the remaining 10 mile segment of the Mount Evans Highway (State Highway 5) for the season to most vehicular traffic Monday, September 22nd, for road construction.

CDOT needs to build a retaining wall along the edge of the highway to improve its stability near Lincoln Lake, about 6 ½ miles up from Echo Lake, requiring a full closure of the roadway. Only authorized vehicles and hunters with a current license for that game management unit will be permitted to use the highway during the closure period.

Annually, CDOT closes the five-mile segment from Summit Lake to the top of Mount Evans (14,264 feet) the day after Labor Day, per agreement with the U.S. Forest Service. The 10 mile section from Echo Lake (State Highway 103) to Summit Lake closes annually in early October. This year’s earlier closure will provide CDOT the time to make these road improvements prior to snowfall. State Highway 5 is scheduled to reopen for the summer season Friday, May 22, 2015, weather permitting.

Information regarding the opening and closing of seasonal highways in Colorado is available on the website or by calling 511.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

RMNP Announces Saturday Evening Programs

Rocky Mountain National Park announced yesterday two upcoming Saturday evening programs at the Beaver Meadows Visitor Center over the next couple of weeks. As the park celebrates its Centennial, the programs will honor the past and celebrate the present to inspire future generations.

On Saturday, September 20, at 7:00 p.m. join a park ranger for Treacherous Treks: History of Longs Peak. As the only "fourteener" in the park, Longs Peak challenges many people to reach its summit. From the early years of Native American stories of trapping eagles upon its summit and the first recorded ascent in 1868 by John Wesley Powell, Longs Peak continues to share stories of beauty and peril. Many people have attempted to summit the 14,259-foot Longs Peak; some were successful, some were not. Follow the treks of Enos Mills, Agnes Vaille and others up to the mightiest peak in the park.

On Saturday, September 27, at 7:00 p.m. join Mary Taylor Young for Rocky Mountain National Park: The First 100 Years. A century has passed since Rocky Mountain National Park was established in 1915. But the story of any park with "Rocky Mountain" in its name begins not just a hundred years but a billion years ago. Award winning writer, Mary Taylor Young, tells the story of her new book.

These programs are free and open to the public. For more information about Rocky Mountain National Park please call the park's Information Office at (970) 586-1206.


U. S. Forest Service Announces Future Plans for Popular Agnes Vaille Trail

The United States Forest Service (USFS) is developing a proposed re-route of the popular Agnes Vaille Falls Trail in Chaffee County. The area and trail will remain closed to public use until October 1, 2015 because of planning, construction and monitoring efforts.

In collaboration with the Johnson Family from Buena Vista, Colorado, the Salida Ranger District is designing a new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible trail. The redesigned trail will no longer take hikers to view the falls due to safety concerns. It would connect to a portion of the existing Agnes Vaille Trail and offer a variety of scenic vistas within the Chalk Creek drainage. Potential additions include interpretive panels that describe the cultural, natural and geologic features of the area. The Salida Ranger District hopes to start construction during the summer of 2015.

Currently the trail and surrounding area is closed for health and human safety by a special order closure. The USFS will to continue to monitor the area as they watch for conditions that may pose health and safety hazards to visitors.


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Fatality Near Alberta Falls

At 11:30 a.m. this morning, Wednesday, September 17th, a man's body was discovered along the shore line next to Glacier Creek at the base of a rock outcropping, roughly 200 feet down from Alberta Falls in Rocky Mountain National Park. Rangers reached the body approximately 30 minutes later and confirmed that the man was deceased.

There were no witnesses and the incident is under investigation, foul play is not suspected. The man's body was flown to a landing zone near the Glacier Basin Campground and was transferred to the Larimer County Coroner's Office. The man is 33-years-old. His name and hometown will be released after next of kin have been notified. No further information is available at this time.


Drones Banned in Colorado National Monument

Launching, landing, or operating unmanned aircraft on lands and waters within Colorado National Monument is now prohibited and has been posted in the 2014 Superintendent's Compendium.

The term "unmanned aircraft" is defined as any device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the device. An interim policy is now in effect for all national park units while a Servicewide regulation is finalized.

There has been dramatic growth throughout the country in the numbers and use of unmanned aircraft during recent months with visitor and staff complaints of noise and nuisance, harassment of park wildlife, and safety concerns. "Simply put, experiencing quiet and solitude is a value that people seek and want protected within their national park units," states Superintendent Lisa Eckert.

A superintendent's compendium is a compilation of restrictions and permit requirements imposed under the discretionary authority of the superintendent. These are determined based on being necessary for the maintenance of public health and safety, protection of environmental or scenic values, protection of natural and cultural resources, aid to scientific research, implementation of management responsibilities, equitable allocation and use of facilities, or the avoidance of conflict among visitor use activities.

The National Park Service may authorize unmanned aircraft for administrative purposes such as search and rescue, fire operations and scientific study.

More information regarding this ban may be obtained from the Superintendent's Compendium, available from the Colorado National Monument website.


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Winter is Coming: Seven Days on the John Muir Trail

"The mountains are calling and I must go"

- John Muir

Below is a video from Ryan Commons that documents his hike across the Sierra Mountains along the John Muir Trail.

Ryan made the trip from the Mt. Whitney Portal to Happy Isles in Yosemite National Park - 222.4 miles - in just seven days! Along the way he climbed a total of 42,000 feet, or, put another way, almost 8 miles of climbing! Obviously he put in some pretty insane milage each day to accomplish this goal.

Ryan followed the trail up to Mount Whitney, which, at 14,496 ft, is the highest peak in the lower 48. From there he passed through King's Canyon National Park, Sequoia National Park, and the Ansel Adams Wilderness before ending his journey in Yosemite.

At 40 minutes in length, the video is fairly long, but is very well made, and well worth the spectacular scenery alone:

WINTER IS COMING - Seven Days on the John Muir Trail from Ryan Commons on Vimeo.


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Key Milestones in Hiking

Over the last several decades the sport of hiking has become increasingly more popular. According to the latest Outdoor Recreation Participation Report, 11.4% of all adults in the United States participated in hiking in 2013. But the burning question to a modern-day trekker such as myself, is when did people take to the trail for pleasure? Ever since our predecessors began walking on two feet humans have used bipedal mobility to hunt, explore, migrate to another territory, or trade goods with another community. At some point we as humans figured out that there doesn’t have to be a utilitarian reason for walking. We discovered that joy can be found by simply traipsing through the woods, seeing wildlife in their natural habitat, admiring the beauty of a wildflower, marveling at the roar of a waterfall, or soaking-in the awe-inspiring views from a mountain top. Is this a recent phenomenon, or was this something that humans always had a natural urging for? Here are a few of the key milestones in the history of hiking that’s led to its popularity today:

~3300 BCE: In 1991 two German tourists found the mummified remains of “Otzi, the Iceman” at roughly 10,530 feet in the Ă–tztal Alps along the Austrian–Italian border. Although scientists aren’t sure what this 5000-year-old man was doing at that high elevation, there are some that believe that Otzi may have been one of the first hikers or mountaineers.

125: The 2nd century Roman Emperor, Hadrian, hiked to the summit of Mt. Etna on Sicily to see the sunrise.

1778: Thomas West, an English priest, published A Guide to the Lakes, a detailed account of the scenery and landscape of the Lake District in northwestern England. The guide helped to popularize the idea of walking for pleasure and “to encourage the taste of visiting the lakes by furnishing the traveler with a Guide”.

1786: The beginning of modern mountaineering is marked by the first ascent of 15,771-foot Mont Blanc, the tallest peak in the Alps.

1799: Williams College (of Massachusetts) President Ebenezer Fitch and two others climb Mt. Greylock.

1819: Abel Crawford, and his son Ethan, blaze an 8.5-mile trail to the summit of Mt. Washington in New Hampshire. This path is the oldest continually used hiking trail in the United States.

1830: A crew of 100 students and professors from Williams College blaze the Hopper Trail to the summit of Mt. Greylock. Later that same year students would build a wooden tower atop the same mountain. The tower was maintained into the 1850s, and was used for sightseeing and scientific observations.

1854: The beginning of the systematic sport of modern mountaineering as we essentially know it today is marked by the ascent of the Wetterhorn in the Swiss Alps by Sir Alfred Wills. His book, Wanderings Among the High Alps, published two years later, helped make mountaineering fashionable in Britain, and ushered in the systematic exploration of the Alps by British mountaineers These events also marked the beginning of the so-called “golden age of alpinism”.

1857: The world's first mountaineering club, the Alpine Club, was founded in London.

1863: Professor Albert Hopkins of Williams College founds the Alpine Club of Williamstown, the first hiking club in America. The stated purpose of the organization was “to explore the interesting places in the vicinity, to become acquainted, to some extent at least, with the natural history of the localities, and also to improve the pedestrian powers of the members”

1867: John Muir begins a 1000-mile walk from Indiana to Florida, which he recounts in his book, A Thousand-Mile Walk to the Gulf. The trek launched a lifetime career of hiking and wilderness advocacy. His conservation efforts, books and articles would help to establish several national parks during and after his lifetime.

1872: Yellowstone becomes the world’s first national park after legislation is signed by President U.S. Grant.

1876: The Appalachian Mountain Club, America’s oldest recreational organization, was founded to explore and protect the trails and mountains in the northeastern United States.

1876: Newtown, England entrepreneur Pryce Pryce-Jones designs the "Euklisia Rug", considered by many to be the forerunner of the modern sleeping bag. The rug included a wool blanket with a pocket at the top for a sewn-in, inflatable, rubber pillow. Once inside, the camper (or soldier) folded the blanket over and fastened it together, thus keeping themselves “snug in a rug”.

1879: One of the first hiking clubs in England, the 'Sunday Tramps', was founded by Leslie White. These early “rambling” (English for walking) clubs sprang up in the northern areas of England as part of a campaign for the legal "right to roam", a response to the fact that much of the land in England was privately owned.

1922: Lloyd F. Nelson submits his application to the U.S. Patent Office for his "Trapper Nelson's Indian Pack Board", which is acknowledged to be the first external-frame backpack. The "Trapper Nelson" featured a wooden "pack board" as its frame. On the frame was a canvas sack that contained the hiker's gear, which rested on the hiker's body by two canvas shoulder-straps. Prior to his invention hikers used a rucksack, which was essentially a loose sack with shoulder straps.

1930: The Green Mountain Club completes construction of the Long Trail, making it the first long-distance hiking trail in the United States.

1937: America's first “grand” trail, the Appalachian Trail, was completed in August of 1937. A forester by the name of Benton MacKaye conceived the idea in 1921.

1948: Earl Shaffer becomes the first person to thru-hike the entire Appalachian Trail.

1967: Climber Greg Lowe invents the internal frame backpack. The “Expedition Pack” also featured the first adjustable back system, first side compressors, first sternum strap and the first load stabilizers.

1969: Bob Gore accidentally stretches a solid polytetrafluoroethylene tape by almost 800%, which forms a microporous structure that was roughly 70% air. The discovery was introduced to the public under the trademark of "Gore-Tex", which became the first breathable, waterproof, and windproof fabric.

1992: Ray Jardine introduces the concept of ultralight backpacking with the release of his book, The Pacific Crest Trail Hiker's Handbook. During his first PCT thru-hike Jardine’s pack weighed just 25 pounds. By his third it was less than 9 pounds. “Ray’s Way” of thinking has led to several innovations that have benefitted both backpackers and hikers.


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Free Entrance to all National Parks on September 27th

All 397 national parks will offer free entrance on Saturday, September 27th for National Public Lands Day. The 21st annual event is offered to encourage everyone to get outside and enjoy the great outdoors. You can visit for a list of parks and information to help plan your park adventure.

“National Public Lands Day reminds all of us of the vast and diverse nature of America’s open spaces, from small neighborhood parks to large national parks, and the importance of each one,” said former National Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis. “We are fortunate that more than 600 million acres of public land, including national parks, provide all of us with cherished places where we can go to unwind, recreate, or learn.”

Many people will lend a hand to help the land and spend part of National Public Lands Day volunteering on work projects. More than 175,000 people are expected to plant trees, clean watersheds, remove invasive plants, replace signs, and otherwise beautify 2,000 public sites throughout the country. Visit for more information.

Other Federal agencies offering free admittance on September 27th include the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the Bureau of Reclamation, the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, and the U.S. Forest Service.

If you do plan to visit Rocky Mountain on National Public Lands Day, or anytime this fall, please note that our website offers a wide variety of accommodation listings for both Estes Park and Grand Lake to help with all your vacation planning.


Friday, September 5, 2014

The Via Ferrata in Telluride

Did you know there was a Via Ferrata in Telluride? No - me neither, until I ran into this video awhile back.

First off, what exactly is a Via Ferrata? According to Wikipedia:
A via ferrata (Italian for "iron road") is a protected climbing route found in the Alps and certain other locations. The essence of a modern via ferrata is a steel cable which runs along the route and is periodically (every 10 to 33 feet) fixed to the rock. Using a via ferrata kit the climber can secure themselves to the cable, limiting any fall. The cable can also be used as aid to climbing, and additional climbing aids, such as iron rungs, pegs, carved steps and even ladders and bridges are often provided. Thus via ferrata allow otherwise dangerous routes to be undertaken without the risks associated with unprotected scrambling and climbing or need for climbing equipment.
Wikipedia goes on to state that "the origins of via ferrata date back to the nineteenth century, but via ferratas are strongly associated with the First World War, when several were built in the Dolomite mountain region of Italy to aid the movement of troops."

The Via Ferrata in Telluride was built in 2006 by Chuck Kroger, a local explorer and climber. Now known as The Krogerata, this thrilling technical hike, along the east end of the Telluride Canyon, offers spectacular views of Bridal Veil Falls and the Telluride Valley. You may want to note that the locals have been trying to keep this a secret. Good luck on that!

This video will give a much better perspective on the heights you'll achieve on this "hike":

Telluride Newb | Season 1 | EP 26 from Open Exposure on Vimeo.

For more information on the Telluride Via Ferrata, please click here.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Grand Old Man of Estes Park

Freelan Oscar Stanley, inventor of the Stanley Steamer automobile, first came to Estes Park in 1903 on doctor’s orders. Impressed by the beauty of the valley and grateful for the improvements to his health, Stanley decided to invest his money and his future in the budding tourist community.

Freelan, and his twin brother Francis, were both accomplished inventors and both considered to be geniuses. Together they founded the Stanley Motor Carriage Company after selling their photographic dry plate business to the Eastman Kodak Company. Their first automobiles, known as Stanley Steamers, were built in 1897 and relied on steam power. Demonstrating their rivalry with gasoline powered vehicles, one of the Stanley models set the world record for the fastest mile in an automobile in 1906. Clocking in at 127.6 miles per hour that day, the record stood until 1911.

In 1903, at the age of 53, Freelan was advised by his doctor to visit Colorado. Suffering from tuberculosis, the doctor told him not to make any plans beyond the autumn, expecting the disease to take his life within the next several months. Stanley's summer vacation in Estes Park, however, put him back on the road to good health. Soon he moved to Estes Park and purchased 160 acres of land where he would build a luxurious hotel for vacationing Easterners. Stanley designed the hotel, as well as the manor house, casino building, concert hall, tennis courts, 9-hole golf course, trap shooting range and eventually an airfield for small planes.

This photo of the Stanley was taken by H. T. Cowling and appeared in the National Park Portfolio of 1916/1917:

At a cost of more than a half-million dollars the resort opened in June of 1909. Some of the early guests to visit the Stanley Hotel included J.C. Penney, Harvey Firestone, Dr. William Mayo and Theodore Roosevelt.

In that same year Freelan built a hydroelectric plant along the Fall River, which allowed the hotel to claim it was the first in the country "to heat, light, and cook meals exclusively with electricity…" Eventually his plant would provide electricity to the growing citizenry in Estes Park. Within just a few years the influential Freelan O. Stanley was earning the reputation as "The Grand Old Man of Estes Park."

The hydroelectric plant would supply electricity to Estes Park until July 15, 1982. On that day the Lawn Lake Dam broke and sent 300 million gallons of water down the Roaring River valley and killing three campers, before rushing down Fall River Road and destroying the plant’s power generating capabilities. Twenty years later the plant would reopen as the Estes Park Historical Museum.

Despite the dire prognosis from his doctor, Freelan would live another 37 years before dying in 1940 at the age of 91.

Several decades after his death, the Stanley Hotel became famous once again when novelist Stephen King found his inspiration for "The Shining" after staying in an almost empty hotel on the night before it closed for the winter. Although the hotel wasn’t used in the movie, it was used as a backdrop for the three-part 1997 television mini-series.

In more recent years the hotel has gained notoriety as one of America's most haunted hotels. Numerous stories from visitors and staff have reported seeing Stanley's ghost, or his wife's ghost. Visitors today can take the Ghosts & History Tour, and possibly encounter the mysterious apparitions for themselves.

In the lobby the Stanley Hotel proudly displays this 1906 Model EX, 10 HP Runabout. This model came equipped with both a 26-gallon water tank and a 13-gallon gas tank. The gas was used to heat the water in the boiler, and could take up to a half-hour before it generated enough steam to power the car. This model weighed 1000 pounds, could achieve speeds of 45 MPH, and would have set you back a cool $850 back in the day! (my guess is that to purchase this same car now you would likely have to add at least 2 zeroes to that figure)
